
By pandieb


I was going to have this with my dinner but changed my mind in the end as I didn't think even I could get beetroot into a stir-fry. Although Himself has gone out so maybe I can...

I've had a bit of strop  at Himself's ability to have spent five months writing lists of things to do but not actually doing them this week, including  doing something more with his mum's house than moving boxes from one room to another. As we both go back to work in a few weeks he needs to be well on the way to selling it as he won't be able to visit every few days to check all is ok over the winter.  As I pointed out, if he wanted the things he left there 40years ago he would probably have done something about it by now.

I've had my own 'doing day' (as a fellow Blipper called it) as well, including moving last year's logs so this year's can be delivered, emptying all the annual plant pots, getting my hair cut and cleaning up some of the mess in the loft from when the roof was done. I need the dust sheets we had up there to use when the stove is replaced in a couple of weeks so it had to be done. It will never be clean up there again, roofs are SO messy.

No. 1 Not Child didn't escape either as she has to clear space in her room so the ceiling can be repaired after the leak. So far progress seems to be four piles of clothes on her bed, rather than all on the floor, and half a bin bag of rubbish but I guess it's a start and it's probably not how she planned to spend her inset day.

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