
By Teasel

I worked from home today so started the day with my pre-work walk.  Not all that long after logging on to work, I was off for another appointment to get my “wound” looked at.  They were much happier with it today.  It got a lot of poking, prodding and measuring.  I even got to see it, for the first time in about three weeks.  The pain has gone, but it is still a bit sore and tender.  It’s not pretty to look at, but it’s a bug improvement from when I last saw it, and from when it was very badly infected.  They have covered it up again, but they don’t want to see me for another week.  I left feeling positive and I hope that the end is now in sight.  There was some other chat, which means they will contact my GP – but I’m not sure what will come of that.
It was then back to work. With lots going on as usual.  I did get out for some fresh air at lunchtime, and went out with far too many layers on, as it was a lovely sunny and warm day.  I had to take my jacket and my scarf off.  I couldn’t really carry any more so kept my hoodie on, but really didn’t need it..  It’s definitely been a day where it has been warmer outside than inside. 
I was on tea tonight.  Later i had a call with BB, who I then passed over to TT so they could  discuss some aspect of BB’s University work.  BB has at last realised how useful it is to have a father who is an academic.  I left them to it and  popped out for a quick walk.
This is a robin’s pincushion.  Living up to its name, the Robin's pincushion is a red, round, hairy growth that can be seen on wild roses. It is caused by the larvae of a tiny gall wasp that feeds on the host plant, but causes little damage. Each gall holds many grubs, which feed on the gall tissues throughout the winter and emerge in spring as adults.

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