
By Bom


A busy day today. I had my Sainsbury's delivery first thing, but I still managed to strip the bed, get the bedding in the washing machine and remake the bed with warmer brushed cotton bedding before the groceries arrived. Then I brushed down four fence panels ready for adding woodstain. I walked in to town for a talk at the Library. It was about a notorious murder in 1827 in Suffolk called the Red Barn murder. Our speaker took us through the background, what happened and the aftermath, she was clearly passionate about the story. At the end of the talk, she told us she was a direct descendent of the murder victim's sister. Here's a link if you want to find out more about the murder
This afternoon I managed to apply the fence treatment to three fence panels, plenty more to do. This fungi is growing in the lawn, so blip sorted. The washing dried outside, but I'm too shattered to do the ironing this evening!

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