Keith B

By keibr

11 autumns in blip

Blip milestones can be a little like those buses where  you wait for ages and then two come along at once! Just a few days I hit 4000 and now it's 11 years since my start on blip with a photograph taken outside the Tate Modern in London.
Just now we're having a great autumn at home in mid-Sweden, my 11th autumn on blip. When I flick back, year by year, I find blips from home, London, Lancashire, Portugal, Umeå, and last year from the south of France. Sometimes it was sunny, often it was raining or misty.
Blipfoto has given me a wonderful diary of the last 11 years of my life. A big thank you to Joe Tree, who started the whole thing, to the volunteers who have kept Blip going these last few years, and to all the other blippers who make this such an excellent place to hang out.
So today I was home for this blipversary. I took a cycle trip into the forest but the best picture was one I took at home in the village. This tree is outside a neighbour's house and provides a wonderful display every autumn.
Being a Wednesday it's Filmstudio and I usually do a slight rave about whatever film we've seen. Tonight's film, "Blackbird, Blackbird, Blackberry" was a Swiss, German, Georgian creation, set in Georgia. It was not my sort of film, though I could appreciate why it has won prizes and the quality of the acting was excellent. Vitually all the main characters were women, which was another plus for the film. But no-one seemed to have a happy life and it rained an awful lot.  Next week it's an Italian film, Chimera, that sounds more fun - we shall see.
PS I love coincidences! Today I finished an excellent book (The Girl Who Fell from the Sky) that I picked up in the library. It's by Simon Mawer, an author I have never previously heard off. I'd like to read more of what he has written so I looked up his work. He wrote the book, Chimera, upon which next week's film is based!! (And the film got 5 stars from Peter Bradshaw in the Guardian!)

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