
By Wildwood

A Very Tiny Earthenware Pot

Dana brought this little pot back from a visit to the village of Mata Ortiz in the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. It is about the size of a penny in diameter and what is truly amazing is that it is painted by hand...without a pattern. Brushes of just one or two hairs are used. I have some with more intricate patterns but thought this tiny one fit the challenge best. Thanks to freespiral for taking on the challenge this month.

In extras is a picture of Pedro's guys extending the pipe they put in behind the wall to circumvent the leak. I guess it could reasonably be called 'unearthing'. John has been losing sleep over this elusive leak, but I just don't have the head space to take that on. Pedro seems to have a handle on it, and there certainly isn't anything I could do about it anyway!

An added challenge for these guys is that the thermometer was reading 103F and it was pretty stifling when I stepped outside to take this picture. When I came home from running an errand Spike was nowhere to be found...very unusual. Turns out the guys were sitting at the table in back underneath the umbrella and we found Spike right at their feet. There have been heat warnings, fire warnings, and spare the air warnings but it has stayed perfectly comfortable inside the house even without the AC. 

I can hardly complain when I see the awful destruction from Hurricane Helene in North Carolina and other southern states. The Trump campaign is trying to blame the Biden administration for lack of response. They are stooping to such blatant and unsubstantiated  lies that the Republican governors are coming forward to refuting their claims. It was, in fact, the Congressional Republicans who took disaster relief out of the stopgap budget passed just a week or two ago. Biden is threatening to call them back into session to approve the  money they are now demanding. They don't see the disconnect between saying they want to get rid of government, then needing the very services they didn't want to pay for, but still blaming the Administration. When will it end? I don't think it will be with the election.

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