
By Teasel


Yet again, I woke up too early and was cold, and then when I eventually woke up it was almost 9am.  I had no plans today.  I vaguely thought about a run, which would have been my first in about a month, but my thoughts didn’t become reality.  Instead I did a few chores, put the washing machine on, had some breakfast then set about making a lemon drizzle cake and then some pancakes.  BB appeared much later in the morning, grateful for the pancakes.  He then had some work to do, so I popped out for a quick walk around the block, before I made lunch.
I then planned tea, and did a few more chores, packed a food parcel for BB – including the lemon drizzle cake – and made sure he got himself organised.  He headed off later in the afternoon to get he bus to Edinburgh and then the train to Glasgow.  There were four of them travelling back together which was good.  I went for a late afternoon walk to make up for low step counts recently.  It was very peaceful and not really cold – as no jacket was required.  I picked up a key ingredient that I needed for tea, and when I got home, TT was already home, having got a lift home, rather than taking the bus.
He has had a good weekend away.  As I was expecting him home later, he had to wait on his tea!
Later I attacked the ironing mountain again.  I think it is time to put my summer clothes away, so will do some sorting during the week.
I spotted these beauties along the railway path today.

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