Lost in Thought

By steveng

Grounded (TT488)

Any real photograph of the earth outside today is more likely to be seen as a blip of water - so I've gone for this more nerdy elemental approach - well - copper is an element :-)

I've been at the village hall checking the fire alarm points, the emergency exit lights and the doors - which involves getting at the electrical distribution panels, hence my blip of this earth point - a tiny but quite important part of the whole.

Thanks to Freespiral for hosting Tiny Tuesday on the theme of elemental/earth.

Off out to my other camera club this evening, where the theme is summer photographs - we're all desperately looking for any image which suggests we might actually have had one!

Tomorrow I am hosting Wide Wednesday on the theme of historical or part of a story - could be fictional - just to give free rein to your blippery :-)

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