A Little Cup
…………………………………of what, I don’t know! Found growing in the Earth of one of my plant troughs.
A few days ago I saw that the local leisure centre were giving away free five day passes and as I’d planned to do some indoor swimming over winter I decided to apply. It runs for five consecutive days and you can partake in as many activities as you like. This morning I got up early (for me) and went lane swimming at 8.30am! The pool was fairly busy and I stayed in the slow lane but swam nonstop for just over half an hour, the aim is to buildup my stamina for open water swimming. I heard a few complaining how cold the water was but after the North Sea it was a perfect temperature.
Home, showered and hair washed, loaded the washing machine, a bite to eat then it was off to yoga. A lovely class but omg I found bits of me protesting which I’d no idea existed!! Bed remade; bedroom and en-suite cleaned…I’m planning a relaxing afternoon now before camera club this evening.
Thanks to freespiral for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month.
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