The Tussock Effect

This is amazing...We are going walkies with The Bossess 2 days in a row. ..........................WONDERFUL.............................Huf huf huf!
Today The Boss decided to take us down the newest extension to the Clutha track that runs from Luggate to a place called Luggate Rocks which no one had heard of when we first did this walk with the "B" team last week. It was a grrreat walk and ALL the fun stuff was there..Sticks, diabolical things to eat. "LEAVE IT" quality. And excursions to outside the normal control range (but returning 'Cos The Boss had some K9 Cookies in his back pocket. Curses!!!

The track meets the Clutha where it turns a sharp (180) corner opposite Luggate Creek and this is the second pic The Boss took on his iPhone as in the first one there were 5 dogs that looked a bit like me. The Boss says that I was NOT supposed to move during exposure. I can see him saying THAT to The Bossess and getting a thick ear but with me I was kindly asked to pose again and this time STAY!!! So I did.
And Voila...One dog. I should explain that with an iPhone you shoot Pana's by moving the phone horizontally while it does all the magic stuff inside. If you can move as well but just stay put while the phone goes past you, you can get multiple dogs. Heaven forbid says The Boss and a NEW idea is born.
This is protected by K9 Copy Bark and is called from this point on The "Tussock Effect". Bulk licenses are available on receipt of cheese. (Tasty) in approved qualtities.

This is of course a Winter's day so check out the NorthWest arch in the sky and all that soft sno that the baggy trousered blokes and blokessess may be getting with 14 degrees in the air.

Paw Note...The Boss was blown away with your response to "Natural Light" yesterday and wants everyone to consider themselves well and truly Barked at.
There is nothing quite like the thrill of making an image that others get excited about.
Very special... Thank you.

Stay out of the's way too deep.

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