NZ Autumn 2025

By AndrewNZ

Messing about...

... on the river harbour.
A very busy day!
* My turn for the Morning walk with Kasper.
* Off to visit a new Care home which went very well, "We'll be back".
* Down to the marina as the friends launch was out of the water for a survey.
* Head back home with the second walk for Kasper on the way.
* Lunch.
* Into the garage to continue the car spring clean.
* Prep dinner.
* Sort Blips
* Maybe a glass of something red!

The Blips.
Stolt Momiji, a tanker,  leaving through the kids sailing lesson.
Piri Mai heading back into the water.
The Owner, The Buyer, The Surveyor and the Broker.
Nimble Nicky, which I doubt, loading logs.
Full power for the engine test.

A pleasant day a little overcast and 16 degrees seen.

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