Living my dream

By Mima

Vite! Vite! Vite!

Three tiny ducklings were on the pond without any parental supervision. What is the world coming to? 

They cruised past Bean and I standing on the bank just three metres away, then simultaneously they realised something wasn't right. And they were off: running across the surface of the water and off around the corner (see extra), cornering sharply...well two of them did.

A whizzbang camera would have been so much better to capture the drama, but you get the idea from the phone photos.

The morning was unpleasantly smoky locally. A farmer burnt a series of huge piles of uprooted hedges up on the top of the hill. It was the perfect day: cool, calm and rain forecast tomorrow. However it was so calm that the smoke didn't waft away, but dropped straight down into the valley where the village lies. There it sat and accumulated until lunchtime when a breeze arrived. What a relief.

It has been another garden day: more weeding because it is that time of year.

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