What INTENSE Looks Like

My Dad and I went to the local rodeo tonight in Gaines, Michigan. The little village doesn't even have a stoplight...only a blinker. Usually it's only claim to fame is that a Detroit-based motorcycle group rents one of their downtown storefronts. So...every summer weekend brings in the sound of "VROOM...VROOM...VROOM!"

But, tonight only brought out the "GIDDY-UPS.".

These cowboys and cowgirls probably aren't going to the Rodeo Nationals. Not a single cowpoke rode out the eight seconds needed on the bronchos, or the bulls. Neither did they do well in the roping department. The little doggies (young cows) kept escaping the cowboys lassos.

But, it's still fun. Fun to watch...fun to attempt to photograph.

I put an unlucky 13 more shots on my FLICKR PAGE. I picked this one because I liked the expression of both the horse, and the little girl.

Give it your best YEE-HAH, and gallop into large for a closer look.

11 p.m. Night-night.

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