Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The second night frost and some of our flowers in the park didn't make it. The rest of the week will have warmer nights (nor warm warm, but a couple of + celsius). I spent most of my day with the flowers. Arranging, putting prices and binding bouquets. 
The morning went by so quickly that I was surprised to see a coworker, starting at 9, and almost asked her if she started early today, but I glanced at the clock and realised it was 10 to 9. 
It was cold outside when I got out to pick the flowers and I felt chilly most of my work hours.
I also picked some more ideas to my coworker which I'm doing a 2 week display with, on an idea that came to me yesterday. She was on board fully and I'm creating a false cover for a book I have at home. It's currently drying after I sprayed the pages with tea. It's a book I'm going to take a part later, but I thought it'd be perfect for this little project. I'll make the new cover from thicker brown paper, crease it to match the cover itself and just put sticky tape on the inside to keep it in place. It's just a 'prop' so it will no be opened. I'll glue down die cut ghosts on the brown paper. I'll also die cut letters for the new book title 'Spökhistorier' which means Ghost stories n English, and then paint everything black. When the cover is dry I'll take a brush and dry brush white paint on the raised parts, so the ghosts and letters will show. I'll put the cover on the book, secure it with sticky tape and then tie a closure around it. 
We'll also make 'autumn jars' without the ghosts, and with just a needle felted pumpkin, mushrooms and perhaps a leaf or two,  or moss... Not everyone is Halloween people, so a bunch of autumn jars could be good too. I just need to find the time to sit down and start creating!

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