
By biddy

Coffee break……..

,……….. on Monday morning, during a trip to our local town to find some flat sturdy slip on shoes for use when I’ve had my operation, along with some slippers, and one or two other general bits and pieces.
It was raining that fine, mizzly, drizzly, stuff which wets you through given half a chance.
The sky a uniformly low flat grey mistiness.
I took the car and parked in the local multi-storey which gives undercover access to the few good shops which remain.
I also discovered it was cheaper to park there than in the pay and display by the station!
I was successful in my footwear search, and decided to go and have a coffee before doing the rest of the shopping,
On reaching the Ladies afterwards in the large store, I discovered you now need an access code to enter. Fortunately a lady arrived as I was deciding what to do.
“You don’t have a code?”
“You get one with any printed receipt in the store”
“Oh I wasn’t aware of that”

She keyed in the code from her purchase receipt, showing me where it was to be found and we both entered. On leaving there were three ladies standing outside wondering how to get in!
So the receipt was duly produced once more to show them where the code can be seen,
If any of you are like me when I pay for a coffee and a pastry with my cash card, (it has become automatic since the Pandemic for me), I choose not to have the receipt as I always check my online bank account regularly, and if I pay with Apple Pay on my phone, it shows the amount on there immediately.
Next time I will have to keep the receipt!
And I will also get a free coffee, as I have one more stamp on my loyalty card!
As I hardly ever go there, it will most likely be next year!
Once home and lunch consumed I found I had had an email message from the hospital with my Admission letter and a Patient information form to fill in on-line.
Then the fun and games began,
It took me all afternoon to complete the information.
The funniest thing being that at one point it kept telling me to go back and put in my correct weight in Kilogrammes. I did this over and over with the same error message.
I checked and rechecked. Then Stephen came to have a look……..
We both dissolved Into fits of laughter as he discovered that although I had got the correct weight, I had registered my height in centimetres as 6.7!
When it should have been 167.6 cms!
It was duly corrected and submitted.
I then had a response to say finally. “Thankyou for submitting your survey”
It has been such a dull dull damp day.
At the moment tomorrow doesn’t look much better.,
But the autumnal colours are now very much in evidence and such lovely shades of muted browns and yellowy greens, and bright red holly and hawthorn berries.
Almost time for tea.
Last day of September today.
Our annual tree and shrub trimming session is this week. Hardly seems a year since they were last here!
And I say that every time. Here’s the proof!

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