Again and Again

By Ripitup


Day 2 and the main reason we have come together as a group. Of course, parkrun.

We met in the reception of our hotel and headed to Rhinepark on the bank of the magnificent Rhine. 

The park was a beautiful space with plenty to see.  We quickly located portable toilets and some of our group headed off for a warmup. We were all pleased to see the parkrun kit arriving. Heading over to meet the volunteers, we spotted red squirrels and Catherine and I went up to the tree canopy platform to get a better view of the parakeets. The green on green didn't facilitate good pictures and it had to be our group shot at the pop up sign today despite there also being
a metal option, depicting the same skyline that was our backdrop. There were lots of photos taken.   Then we were off.  I decided to stick with Elaine and we plodded round at a comfy pace with plenty of art and lots of interesting planting, including an Indian bean tree and lemons, on the way. The course was slightly different to the normal one due to an event  and it wasn't long before the faster runners were headed towards us on an out and back section. Catherine was the first of our group and having spotted only one other female runner ahead, was chasing her down.   Taking first female was an extra bonus for Catherine on her 249th parkrun.  We all thought that if she'd started at the front,  she would likely have finished first. Maybe next time.  Marion left Elaine and I and Gordon celebrated his 007 token.  I ran the last 50metres to claim token 22, my highest position to date, in a field of 24. 
We were rewarded for our efforts with homemade brownies. Two of the volunteers  were celebrating milestones and we learned that cafes in Germany do not open until at least 11. Back to the hotel it was.
After a quick change we headed out for brunch and towards the Lindt chocolate museum. We stopped briefly for a tasty filled roll in a simple cafe,  where Julie was pestered by a wasp before arriving at the museum where we opted to take a road train tour before visiting the museum.  Halfway on the tour we noticed an  increasing police presence. We stopped for what we thought would be a minute or two. A while later we were told that there were road closures due to a meeting between the German and the Italian presidents, for a minimum of 30 minutes.  We got off and returned 30 minutes later.  The continued for some time and eventually we had all decided to do something else.  A few of us headed to the Basilica of St Gereon, lead by Marion who had read that there were mosaics of David and Goliath inside. There was much ribbing my me when, with assistance from Julie, we found Sampson and Delilah, in a rather musty smelling crypt.   The bar that we'd planned to visit afterwards was closed for a private party so we headed off to rendezvous with the rest of our group. On the way we paused to view the activity where the presidents were meeting and I chatted with a local who told me about the meeting place (highly rated hotel and restaurant) and that the city was one of the largest Italian communities outside of Italy with workers settling there in the 50's and 60's.  I asked about italian food in that District and he said that, like anywhere, some of ot was shit.  

In Heumarkt we nabbed a bench at a corner bar, the 12 Apostles. We moved inside to eat and this time it as Elaine's turn to be disappointed by smallness as her pasta dish, she said, was an appetiser.  Adele got a picture with "handsome Daniel' our waiter and a kolsch kuntz, we cheered a wedding party as they left the restaurant, marion and I shared a carafe of wine.  We split into two groups to return to the hotel, with those on foot easily beating those who opted to use the trams.  This was mostly due to the latter stopping for snack purchases and missing two trams heading for our stop. Much hilarity surrounded this with a stranger paying for Julie's purchases, Marion practising her French (not for the first time) and some name misuse, followed by renaming.  Gordon declared himself as Camerrrrrrron, with an emphasis on a rolling, Scottish R. A nightcap in the hotel bar preceded bed.

What a full on day. Lots of steps.  I also find it quite tiring to be among so many people for extended periods and late nights, well.  Say no more.

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