
By windychickens

The feet that …

… bring Good News.

Together Bible study first thing. We were thin on the ground with TSCC people but we had 7 of the Valleydale women and the study was lovely to do.

Then lunch, sociable, fun and very noisy, up at the cafe before heading out to knock on doors. I was paired up with one of the Americans, Mike, and we had a good afternoon with some lengthy and honest conversations.

Back to the church building before I headed back home for an hour to sort the dogs. The wind and rain were extreme. Just as I stopped at a set of traffic lights to go right, a huge tree fell down 50m in front of me onto the A10 - huge enough to block all 4 lanes. The trunk landed on the back of a lorry which I think probably saved some lives. The cars on my side were breaking hard and as the local news unravelled later, I don’t think anyone was hurt. It was quite something and definitely unforgettable.

Home - dogs - and then back to church for a Southern feast cooked by our visitors. Loads of food, as expected, and a lovely time - some testimonies were shared and there were lots of encouragements and prayers for our new church going forward.

What a day!

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