
By Veronica


Another autumn scene. A bit busier than yesterday's. Also, door series -- it's been a while!

Today S went on a walk up Alaric that took a lot of planning. S and T's friend Thierry wanted to take his mother up to the top, because she had never been. She is not exactly in her first youth, and we have never met her, so S had to judge just how capable she was on the basis of Thierry saying that she goes out walking in the village every day. He considered various routes but in the end, due to doubts about how fit she really was, he decided to drive up the firefighters' access track, which takes a long and winding route to the watch tower on the summit, park at the barrier, 5 km from the top, and walk the rest of the way

After much rescheduling due to availability and weather he decided on today. With T, who has never been to the top before, that was four people. I was persuaded to go as well, but then Thierry's mum decided to bring a friend, so I was bumped off due to lack of room in the car.

Anyway, it was a perfect day for it, sunny, clear sky, no wind, and a grand view from the top, which they reached without incident. It turned out that Thierry's mum had done the RL Stevenson trail, which takes two weeks, five years ago, so she's not exactly a novice. Goodness knows why Thierry didn't tell us that. Admittedly they took six hours to get to the summit and back (including a pause for a picnic), but it's a winding road in order to avoid steep gradients.

Meanwhile I went to Fabrezan to do some shopping, and then went for a walk around to look for a blip and get my step count up. The light was lovely.

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