
By airedaleknitter

Red Admiral

Plans went out the window today when Miss H asked if she could come over with the kids as she was struggling to keep up with them (she is the one with 2 broken toes and a badly swollen foot!). Thankfully she drives an automatic and it is her left foot!

So I’ve walked Florence with Libby, then been to the park with both Libby and Edward, done some crocheting with Libby, chased Edward all over the floor - nearly one year olds can be very quick - had ‘help’ making lunch, was told that Libby’s shoes have been brand new for a very long time, and asked why Florence looks like Reggie, and many many other question and wonderful statements that only 3 year olds can think of.

I spotted this wonderful red admiral on my sedum - the first one I’ve seen this year. A heavy frost this morning but a beautiful autumn day. Hope it’s similar tomorrow.

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