Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Lunch at Poppies

A mixed day today, but we did our usual Saturday morning things - fish from the pier and a visit to the library. As today is our wedding anniversary we planned to go out for lunch, but the weather being what it was there seemed no point going far, so we opted for the café at Poppies Garden Centre, just a couple of miles away. 
Busy though it often is at lunchtime, we got a table by the window, looking out on Dunstaffnage Marina. I wished I'd taken my camera in as the occasional shaft of sunlight lit up the many boats moored at the pontoons, with a backdrop of a dark sky and a foreground of reflections in the still water. I debated going out for it, but eventually decided not to.
We had a good lunch, though I did have to ask the waitress to heat up my Cullen Skink - I like my soup hot! When we got back to the car I took my camera back for a few photographs, but the light had gone and the breeze had got up, so my Blip isn't as I would have liked! Always have your camera with you!
A home afternoon - washing the car in the rain and sorting photographs - I've just finished my Brick Lane pictures from 2016!
Quote of the Day: 'Marriage has no guarantees. If that’s what you’re looking for, go live with a car battery.’ – Erma Bombeck.

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