Look Out

By chrisf

Home Harvest

A good journey down to my dad’s house, my sister arriving from Dorset 10 minutes later. We walked down to the High Street for lunch at Cinnabar and then it was our appointment at the funeral director’s to talk through arrangements for dad’s funeral.

Then back to the house where T joined us. She works for Age UK and has been keeping the house clean and tidy and doing the domestic chores for the last decade. She’s become a friend. My sister then took the 4 hour journey back to Dorset as she is working tomorrow and has to open the arts centre up early.

On top of everything else this year I am finding dealing with my dad’s arrangements pretty challenging, and hope my brother and sister will be able to do quite a lot as well. Dealing with thevhouse and garden is going to be a big job (or jobs) - so far as the latter is concerned, bramble has really taken hold at the front and back. We’ll need professional help.

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