madwill's world

By madwill

A Solitary Mushroom

A bit of mixed bag rather wise today…it was sunny at breakfast time, cloudy when I set off for a walk - I got soaked about a mile from home, then I got dry in the (very cold) Northerly wind, then got wet a second time and arrived home in sunshine. It then poured for a couple of hours and has been sunny/showery since late morning!!

I found this solitary mushroom growing in a hedge…got some strange looks from walkers passing by as I was kneeling on the floor with a camera and a light!! Later I found another little group of fungi…see extra…I may have been seen by passing motorists - but I couldn’t see them in their cars.

Afternoon has been spent modelling - I now have a collection of sub assemblies mostly primed and ready for painting. Most of the bits are internal..cockpit, pilot/navigator, but I also have the undercarriage and propellers done….

Still a long way to go…lots of details to paint, then assembling and painting camouflage!!  

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