Dolly's Day

By dollydoug

I was sitting quietly in the front room this morning and Tino was on his high cat tree beside the window.  He was scratching the curtains - as usual.  What a pest.  Then he started swatting a lovely glass bauble that was hanging down near him.  The bauble has been there for years and he's just ignored it until today.  He kept swatting at it till it fell down.  I heard it break.... but when I found it on the floor it was in perfect condition.  However on its way down it had hit a glass vase and broken that.  How odd.  The vase seemed far stronger than the bauble.

Before I threw the vase away I used it for my blip.  The Abstract theme today is " filter " so I took a shot of a handy bowl of tomatoes through the dimpled glass vase.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

Pottered around at home till it was time to walk to Slimming Group.  Its rained on and off all day.  It was drizzling as I left the house but it was soon raining heavily.  Luckily I got a lift home.  Only lost half a pound this week even though I have stuck to plan.  Probably due to side effects from the tablets messing with my tummy and energy levels.  Hopefully all this will settle down in the coming days.

Steps today - 4,554

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