
By ciorstain

Saturday - Simone - eerie

Had a relaxed morning and Simone texted that she is in the area for a night.
We met in the afternoon at Black Pine with Neil and caught up.
Then we went to her temporary home and continued chatting.
Neil got bored and went home.
We continued until this huge house got too cold and walked to ours to make some food and sit in front of the fire.
Neil went out clubbing.
Simone and I had a great time.
Before she went she looked into our bedroom as I was complaining that that re room was so messy and I could not make myself tidy it ....
Here is the full story:


Yesterday I had a friend around - the typical gorgeous girls evening … without booze - just in case you were thinking that.
We talked about pretty much everything.
At some point it was about my bedroom.

A room I am unhappy with and I usually do not show to people.

I told her that is a mess and there are boxes in it at the same spot since years!!

That I am dreaming to make this a beautiful sanctuary - but I just cannot get myself to do it!

Hence I usually don’t show that room to people but didn’t mind showing her.

When she was about to leave she remembered: 

“Show me your bedroom.”

And so I did.
She walked in - and I need to tell you that she is a very powerful energy worker - she sees energy since an early age!

I work with energy too, with people and clients, and I am really good at that - but I need to tune in to feel it.

When she walked in my bedroom she pretty much immediately stopped.

I saw her face and my blood froze.
WTF is going on here?

She said there is an energy - that is not yours ….

I could see in her face it was not a good one either and my body was in high alert whilst I could feel shivers and cold all over.

OK I said - shall I get the sage?

(Possibly some panic in my voice!)

She. “No - thats not a sage job.”
My heart sank and fear started coming up.

Next she said: “Bay leaves, we need bay leaves and frankincense (which I interestingly just got a week ago!)”

Then - “Can you give me 2 minutes alone in this room?
I happily ran out of the door and looked for bay leaves and frankincense.

When I came back she stands in the middle of the room and said, it is exactly where you have piled all those boxes and crap in the room.
The pile of stuff was acting as a wall giving some kind of buffer towards the bed.

We burnt the bay, quite a lot of it and the energy decided to leave.

We sprinkled the room with new intentions and (a lot of) frankincense.

I was still freaked out after my friend left - although I knew the room is free from it now and with new, clean energy, I was still unsettled from the experience and what I had felt.

Definitely not what I expected that evening to happen.

If you are wondering how I slept last night?

Not great - but I know this was because I was still spooked and it takes a bit of recalibration and releasing it all from my body.
(Yes - we worked on that today)

Guess what?

The boxes have called me and they left the bedroom.

I think now it’s finally time to sort the bedroom and make it a gorgeous sanctuary.

Thank you my friend!!! I am blessed to have you in my life!!

Ever experienced something like that?

The photo has nothing to do with the story .....

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