
By Adda

another promise fulfilled...

went with farside to get some prints, an album and meet the kids from the fort area, whom we promised that we would return with their photos. Though we would have loved to reach the fort area before sunset but an annoyingly delayed process of loading up an ATM kept me waiting for an hour...and as a result, we reached near the fort after sunset, when practically all the light was gone. As we were walking towards the rear boundary wall of the fort, our eyes were searching for Majid and his friends. We bumped into a group of teenagers but none of the faces seemed familiar from the last visit. This particular group was entirely opposite of what we met last time. This group was more of fun-and-frolic-careless group of kids who bunked their tuition classes in the evening and were fooling around. All sorts of big talks, small talks and toilet humour was in the air. I did join them and enjoyed their company for a while. On showing the photos from the previous trip, they recognized Majid and escorted us to his residence. "Majid..." - cried out one of the kids and then ran away without waiting for a response. Reportedly, Majid's dad has a very strict personality and is quite notorious for his anger. Majid showed up and was visibly surprised and glad to see us with the photos. His poise was weighed down with humility and gratitude. He looked quite happy to receive the photos, though a little late...and I was glad that I could keep the promise that I made to a bunch of kids a few months ago.

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