secret garden

By freespiral

Harvest Moon?

But there's a full moon risin'
Let's go dancin' in the light
We know where the music's playin'
Let's go out and feel the night

A bit of a cold murky day with a light drizzle. There has been constant noise from across the road as a garden, admittedly left derelict for several years, is being cleared of bushes and trees - some of them sadly, ash  which have succumbed to ash die-back disease. They had an industrial size shredder which has been kept pretty busy, spewing out  chippings, perfect for mulch. 
I made some grape juice, cleared out one side of the polytunnel, and now have two do-able flight options to discuss. We did a windswept yomp around the circuit  and walked down to the end of the pier to see if there was any abstract opportunities- there were, and this is slightly filtered to fit the challenge.
Talking of challenges - I am hosting Tiny Tuesday for October and put up the info. Thank you Incredibish for pointing out that I was time travelling again - this time to the future - so versatile. I blame the fairies or possibly the fact that I've been working on flights that are in 2025. Anyway now sorted. 
Harvest Moon

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