
By Aliscotia

Cassowary Chick

This is the Southern Cassowary chick at Birdland today (portrait in extras). Birdland have kept Cassowaries for 25 years but this is the first time they have had a chick and it's one of only four chicks born in Europe this year. 
Normally you cannot get close enough to the wire to get a shot as these are dangerous birds that will charge the wire if upset and Birdland don't want anything to antagonise the birds. Today, I was allowed past the lower fence with a keeper and was just outside the main fence to get these shots. Even so I had to keep very still as Dad Cassowary was keeping a very close eye on me. It is the male bird that rears the chick and Mum has been separated from them for now. Rob and I hope to pop back with different lenses next week to try to get a shot of Dad and chick. 

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