Here and Now

By Mole

It was an expensive day...

8:30a - 12:15p Electrician and carpenter removed the oven and three drawers in the kitchen after searching both crawl spaces.  They never found the electric box used to hook up the hood fan and stove.  They tested the never used/ never wanted trash compactor not knowing it was full of muffin tins and roasting pans (because the electric panel was so poorly marked).  Those now go to the recycling center.  A small thing in the big picture.

3:10p - 4:15p Plumber removed the old solenoid valve and replaced it with a new one for the first floor shut off for the water main.  

I don't have the bills yet.  

I discovered this little CMP nature preserve sign after spying the yellow apples in the tree.  It's a tiny piece of land.  The park has been bequeathed little bits all over, even in Geauga County.

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