Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

A New Day

I saw the surgeon yesterday. He told me that I'm behind the curve in my recovery, which was no surprise to me. Being behind the curve means that I probably won't feel like myself for at least a couple more months.But he did say I could add more fiber to my diet, which means more real food in moderation. Besides seeing him, I had a Zoom to get my neuropsych evaluation results. I was pleased to hear that I am normal. I had another teleheath appt with my psychiatrist this morning and the home health nurse will be coming this afternoon. I'm already pooped!

I couldn't sleep very well so was up for the sunrise. I grabbed my camera for the first time in a long time to take the photo. It's very similar, as I recall, to another sunrise I captured not too long ago. I'm going to try to go out this afternoon for a bite to eat.

In other news...the finger daggers are gone and the hair is clean but the desperately needed hair cut will have to wait.

Woman: I love you.
Man: Is that you or the gin talking?
Woman: It's me talking to the gin.

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