Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Another dismal day with grey skies and more rain, but we decided, again, they we wouldn’t just sit and grumble but would go out to Lechlade to visit Hilliers Garden Centre as we had vouchers to the value of £10.  Once there, we had a wander around and a coffee, then treated ourselves to some violas, pansies and polyanthus, so planting them will keep Mr HCB out of mischief for an hour or two!

I had a Cotton Traders' voucher, also for £10, so of course, just had to look for a new jumper - and found a very nice medium mauve one, which goes well with my light mauve gilet - so that’s me set up for the winter, until I see something else I like!

The two ladies in Cotton Traders, Sara - without an “h” as she told me - and Gill - with a “G” - are always very helpful and honest, so after I had tried on the jumper, modelled it, decided to buy it, and then finished our transaction, I asked if I could take their photograph for my Wide Wednesday Blip. I’ve just looked at the theme, which is “sharp” and you couldn’t find two “sharper” ladies - I have “sharpened up” this shot anyway so that it fits the theme today!

So enjoy the smiles on the faces of Sara and Gill - and mine, of course - because I’m happy with my new jumper - although I’m not in the shot but no doubt will do a selfie showing it off sometime!

And…I blessed them both with one of my little hearts - of course I did - what better way to show someone you appreciate them and their wonderful service?

Mind you, I’m running short of hearts - and at the moment, neither The Range nor Hobbycraft have them in stock in any of their stores!  I’ve looked on Etsy and all theirs are much bigger than the 3cm that I need, so I must keep looking, as I believe I in blessing people, especially when life is so stressful for many.

“Love and kindness are never wasted. 
     They always make a difference. 
          They bless the one who receives them, 
               and they bless you, the giver." 
Barbara De Angelis

P.S.  I JUST KNOW you would want to be aware of this fact - in three months' time, it will be Christmas Day! 

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