Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Spider on its Web

Thank you to everyone who left stars, faves and comments on my photo yesterday. It really touched me and I greatly appreciate it!

My parents got back from Uganda this morning, without return tickets. We still haven't found anywhere to move to, and we have less than three weeks. It's looking more and more likely that Little Man and I will be staying with people from the church until we find our own place. Its something that is less than ideal and I really don't like the idea, but if the only other option is homelessness, then I'll have no choice. It's scary.

My parents collected Little Man from nursery, which he was thrilled by. He loved the surprise. We had ice creams when we got back and Little Man had a sleep. We then had a lovely evening. Some friends from church dropped by to see my parents. It's strange having them back.

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