Away with the fairies
I was racking my brain wondering how I could incorporate a gorgeous Fly Agaric toadstool into a surreal Blip, but ran out of steam, then had the idea of collecting bits of live material on my walk with Indie & perhaps incorporating it into one of Mum's Flower Fairies works of art. With a bit of artistic licence we had to sub some materials for bits from Mum's garden but overall am quite pleased with the effect. The acorns were beautifully coloured by Mum so all I needed to do was slice the acorn cups in halve and place strategically. We had fun. More fun than attempting to complete the outer edge of the latest jigsaw puzzle. It's a 1000 piece too.
Thank you for taking a peek, & leaving stars & hearts for yesterdays selfie. x
I went down to CK to watch the GBBO with Mum. The first episode ... Well!!! It was very entertaining & lovely to hear Mum laughing. Hubby was obviously miffed that I chose to go but hey ho!!
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