Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Our new and improved counter area at work. 
I've been so busy today that this was the only photo I took...
As usual, I took care of the flowers; gave them new water and threw away or relocated those that wasn't very fresh anymore. Non of the sunflower bouquets I made yesterday had been sold. That's just how it is... the right person hasn't come in yet. :)
A coworker and I had a short planning meeting and I showed her the things I'd gathered on my walk trough the woods that morning. We will have some magical little worlds made for our ghosts. :)
After the break I asked one of the bosses about wok and got the chore of taking cuttings from larger potted plants. I can't remember the English name right now, but they are rater common and I think one of those plants you collect different kinds of (like Geraniums) and like, or can't be bothered with. 
Then we had a staff meeting for an hour, and after that I continued with my cuttings. The plant looked much better after it had been reduced in size, and hopefully someone will like it and buy it. :) I also had customers and 'helped' coworkers that were rebuilding large planters outside. Amateur vs those who know what they do... and I'm in the first category... :D 
Tomorrow is my day off and I will enjoy sleeping a bit longer than usual. :)

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