madwill's world

By madwill

Side By Side

The day dawned wet and grey - and it continued until late morning (contrary to the weather app which was showing no rain). I was expecting to blip my kingfisher model - but that can wait for a proper wet day now!

When it stopped raining I popped out for a walk and continued my experiments with the flash on the little Sony compact camera.

So here we have the same scene (some cow parsley seed heads) photographed moments apart in daylight. I didn't even move my feet! The one on the right is how the camera saw it in aperture priority with no flash…and the one on the left I shot in manual mode with the flash switched on. The background has almost entirely disappeared!! The exif shown is for the right hand view - the left hand was shot at 1/1000 at f5.6 on ISO 100.

I feel more experiments coming on…. :-)

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