Vertical Puddles

By SkyRider

We are all numbered

300, eh? Who'd've thought...

Rather than the usual restrospective, I thought I'd take advantage of the extra traffic a landmark generates to provide a public information notice.

More specifically, I'd like to draw fellow Blippers' attention to a handy new online service called Lenstag. It's a very simple site - it simply allows you to keep a list of all your cameras and lenses with serial numbers. If you ever get anything stolen though and mark the item as stolen on your list, Lenstag will create a page which will show up in a Google search on the serial number. Similarly, if you're buying second hand kit, you can search Lenstag for the serial number to check the provenance of the items.

My only connection with the site is as a user, but as a user who feels that their model only works if the uptake is sufficiently widespread. Hence this short message.

Thank you for reading...onward to the next milestone!

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