Mike Lincoln

By Linxpix

Me sewing in Lincoln cathedral

Image taken by a good friend of mine which i asked for.
We have "The table for the Nation" installed at Lincoln cathedral and various things will be happening on it.
First The fabric Quarter shop with the cathedral made a runner for the table from donated pieces of material which meant something to the people who donated, in my case a couple of pieces of my late wife's material, which I am sat in front of( the very '70s red green and yellow piece).
The Fabric Quarter oraganised a stich and sew earlier which I could not get to, so I was determined to get to this one. The technique is English paper piercing.
needless to say my daughters love me doing it :-) 
sit and stitch  this link does not seem to be working !!
Amy who runs the Fabric Quarter took 40 hours and 100 metres of cotton to make the runner !!

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