River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: Teasels

Showery off and on all day, but I managed an hour or so outside in the garden.

First job was to start pruning the blackcurrant bushes along the wall behind the greenhouse, they’ve taken over this year - blackcurrants were eaten by the blackbirds during our very wet spring and early summer :-)
Amongst the blackcurrants were giant nettles, which have fed the pollinators and provided food for caterpillars, which I also approve of :-)

There’s some improvement but I need a dry day to cut the tops of the blackcurrant bushes, finish pulling out nettles and start getting rid of the blackberry briars …

Today’s Blip of the Teasels which have ripening seeds which are a favourite of the goldfinch and some of the other little birds too :-)

I had a lovely chat with our postman this afternoon who was telling me he’d been talking with a friend of mine in Holyhead who was the drummer for “Shady Lane” a local rock band who were popular and successful during the 1960s and 1970s, so nice to reminisce (Kevin on holiday)

We watched the last episode of “Line of Duty” this evening …

Loads of love and hugs to all my family / Cariad Mawr
Nos da pawb / Goodnight all XXXX XXX XX

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