
By Tryfan46

View down the Avenida dos Mar, Funchal

From the Catarina Park to the west of Funchal.

A sumptuous breakfast. We passed on the complimentary Prosecco though. Packed, left the suitcases at the hotel while we strolled around the older (and newer) parts of Funchal this morning.

Called in for a coffee at the courtyard of the Museum of Sacred Arts then met with Adam and Jane for lunch at the Restaurante Combatentes on Rua Sao Francisco. More fish was consumed, this time large fillets of sea bream. We’ve really enjoyed a piscine diet this week!

Time to part, us to Gatwick, Jane and Adam to Manchester. We were supposed to leave at at 18.45, then delayed to 21.20 then changed to 19.55. Now at 19.15 it said we’re boarding yet our plane was not due in until 19.30. What’s going on?

Edit: boarding complete at 20.05. Legs akimbo in a contortionist seat. Why are tall people penalised while flying? If you’re disabled in any way you rightly get assistance. I can’t help my height.

Edit 2: landed at 23.50 looking forward to unfolding myself from the crate

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