
By fitzbilly

Gnomes ....

.... from a low(ish) angle. Pushing it a bit for Mono Monday I know, but this is all I am likely to get today. It's been raining virtually non stop all day. Luckily this heavy vertical rain doesn't get blown into the veranda like the lighter rain, so it was dry and I was able to kneel down to get this. Low angle see.

Three images focus stacked to get Kylie and the gnomes in focus as well as our relocated water feature. I've chased the electrician twice now for his invoice but haven't received it. I wanted him to come back to extend the cable but I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm going to have to do it myself. I've bought a connector but need some dry weather now. Some chance of that.

Update re Somerset. Well of course the inevitable happened and they lost a shortened 20 over One-Day Cup Final  That's 3 trophies just missed this season. They are good at being runners up.

Camera club this evening, our first external speaker of the new season.

One year ago:
Ouch, Ouch

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