
By TrishH60

Through the wire.

We had the gardening day today which is a lead up to a gardening competition that is to be judged next June. We spent the morning listening to Tom Wyatt and Lindie Hardy giving us advise about gardening. For the last 32 years Tom Wyatt has been giving advise on ABC radio every week and really knows his stuff. It was a great day and I had a lot to learned - maybe my poor little plants will get more than just a watering every few days.

To finish the day we went around to a few gardens to see what advice Tom could hand out. When we were checking out Benny's garden I spotted this little beaut, he is one of a pair that is owned by Ben.

I took this shot through the wire of it's cage with my camera set on manual with manual focusing. I am very pleased how sharp it turned out.

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