Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Day 4

Bags had taken the day off today to join me with SWMBO.
It took us ages to go through everyone who been sending messages and best wishes.

Yesterday I had bought a book of suduko puzzles for myself. I wasn't doing brilliantly. Today SWMBO picked it up and was rattling through them.
She is obviously on the road to recovery!

After lunch two of her sisters and Mr & Mrs H turned up at the same time. They must have been in the lift together but didn't know who the others were.
I took the H's to the cafe so that it wasn't complete overload for SWMBO and when we returned to the ward her sisters left.
When the H's left Bags and I noticed that there was a very slight 'droop' to one side of SWMBO's mouth. She was obviously tired (not surprising) so we put her back into her bed for a sleep. It was agreed that Bags and I would head home and give her a chance to sleep.
We are going to return tomorrow morning in time (hopefully) for doctors' rounds but after the rush hour traffic has eased off.

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