
By ztuzzer

A wee Breather

Even back in Edinburgh I found little time to just take a moment. Though that's not necessarily a bad thing, it was good to constantly have something to do. The one thing Ashley and I didn't do however, was clean the house out for moving away! (It's not actually my house, but I was staying and I offered to help). We procrastinated it to the last day, as per usual. "Oh it will only take a few hours, we'll be done by 6" we said as we awoke at midday. 12 hours later we were finally done cleaning, packing and offloading crap in various locations to ease the weight on the car. It was quite strenuous, but it all got done in the end. I will admit though, it probably could have been done in half the time without so many breaks, but hey, if we hadn't of had so many breaks I never would have got a snap as good as this! And anyhow, I don't know why everyone's always got to be in such a big rush ;)

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