
By ztuzzer

Cramond Island

One thing I love about my friend Ashley is spontaneity, the girl practically oozes it! She awoke me at around 7am after she had been on a coach up to Edinburgh overnight - else she never would have been awake at such a ghastly hour! She exclaimed "WAKE UP DANIEL! We're going to the island!". With thoughts of 'Lost' immediately running through my half-conscious mind, it actually did the trick of waking me up. By island, she meant Cramond Island, a wee island off the shore of Edinburgh you can walk to when the tide is out. There was one catch with the outing, I had to accompany Ashley to an industrial estate all the way over in fifth, to drop her car off for it's MOT. It was quite a mission, especially trying to get back without said car - but it was quite an interesting place to explore. We did eventually stumble our way to a bus station which we managed to grab a coach in the vague direction of Cramond Island - we got there eventually. Luckily the timing worked out well, and we got to get on and off the island before the tide came in (though only just). It was an exhilarating and unexpected day out! I grabbed this snap of Ashley on the walkway to the island, before the sea engulfed it.

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