
By Hamp5on

Ibiza Fe-stival

This photo is really not representative of my day, most of which was spent in bed with an awful headache. I was meant to be at a beach clean up this morning, but Nate and Danny went without me. Afternoon time the pain had gone thankfully.
This weekend the churches on the island have organised a Fe-stival (play on words 'fe' means faith), & tonight was a big outdoor concert with different drum & bass artists - this guy was the headliner. I bid a hasty retreat leaving the others there, lights and loud bass not very conducive to bad head recovery!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The kids enjoying tonight - Nate danced his socks off.
2) My headache lifting.
3) Asha being kind and supplying me with painkillers and a soft blanket 

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