
By Kiteseeker

Little Walsingham

Having arrived at our destination we were stationary a while as a Pilgrimage crossed our path. Coach loads of people had arrived to witness the end of the event. I hadn’t appreciated that the area is one of religious significance. Met a number of lost people who couldn’t find their rendezvous points for the coach home. Always grateful for my ability to find my way around. 

Had a wander with the camera after we had unloaded. A beautiful afternoon to explore the village. Enjoyed the half timbered properties and Walsingham Abbey which was a medieval Priory. I couldn’t explore the grounds as they were closed due to a wedding.

This is the pump house constructed circa 1550 complete with a brazier/ beacon on top which is still lit to mark special occasions. In the background are a few of the timbered houses.

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