
By PorridgeWog

Overcast (Day 3422)

An early start today for my beautiful wife to zoom off and catch a ferry south. I took Sigyn for her morning wander, and after breakfast, carried on with the shed re-roofing. I stopped at noon and wasted an hour waiting around for a surveyor to come and look at the house as part of the Ipsos MORI survey I took part in a few days ago. He eventually messaged to say he was running late, and I zoomed out with Sigyn for a wander.
After settling her back at home, I headed to the horses and dished out more hay and scratches. I snapped a picture of the only visible bit of Hoy as the Hamnavoe headed into Hoy Sound, then made my way home.
I had only just got back to the shed project when the surveyor showed up and wasted another hour of my day. When he finally stopped blethering about nothing and left, I got on with the shed. I finished up around 7 because it was getting a bit too dark. The rafters are on the second section, and there isn't a lot more to do before I start putting the roof sheets on.

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