
By meles

Bon voyage!

Dave left for the island at some unspeakable hour, but I met up with the young 'uns later and we went out to Hawes Pier via train to Dalmeny and the massive flight of steps in the woods. The weather was dreich and grey when we set out, although beautifully sunny on the Fife side. Eventually the sun came out on the island, and we did much exploring. I even showed them round the abbey (first extra) and remembered to find everything (even the warming room - easily missed!). We waved them off on the Maid of the Forth, as I was staying for a sleepover.

The tides were massive - at high tide the South beach was completely covered (2nd extra). Sat and gazed out of D's window for ages. I loved the little red boat that appeared in front of the Embra skyline (3rd extra).

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