The Dolores Station gets its own outhouse
I had complaints from the passing passengers that there was no outhouse at the station.
So I just completed a resin kit and placed it on the layout. The small red building in the front is the Galloping Goose gas barn - sort of a telephone booth where they kept the gas for the Goose. You might notice an open lock hanging on the door - the Goose is coming to pick up passengers.
The shingles on the outhouse are from Wild West Models :(
- printed in color and then laser cut so that when applied they really look like the real thing. In perfect scale of course. Two doors of course in the outhouse. Guess I need signs but have not found a photo of the real thing to see how they did it. Once I get the station set on its foundation I can mount the outhouse and gas house permanently and add lots of detail - junk, weeds, gravel walk, and puddles.
This model is sort of a stand in (probably permanent) as the actual Dolores outhouse looked slightly different. But this kit is close enough for me.
Still trying to get better depth of field - sorry
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