
By Wildwood

Flower Friday : : Mixed Bouquet

John appeared with this lovely bouquet the other day so what could be a better entry for Flower Friday? The penguins are enjoying it.

We had quite a spirited conversation at coffee this morning. Gail brought her brother and sister-in-law who run the family farm with three beautifully appointed guest cottages. Their news was that the boiler had packed up overnight and they had been attempting to get it fixed from across the pond. In the meantime, Sue realized that there were no matches in any of the cottages with which guests could light a fire. They are both charming and funny and a great addition to our Friday morning gathering.

From that domestic challenge we moved on to the American election, with added comments about what is going on politically in Britain, and the evolution of the extreme religious right in Israel. It was a spirited and interesting conversation, but we weren't able to 'put the world to rights'. That seems to be a bridge too far these days....There is some comfort in the fact that nobody really understands how we got where we are.

We have developed a mysterious water leak, a slow but steady drip from a pipe.that comes out under the bird feeders. We didn't notice it for who-knows-how-long. what did draw it to our attention was the patch of very green grass that came up underneath it and following the path of the water down the hill. The first suspect was a leak in the irrigation but John has decided that isn't it. On this hilly property with lots of pipes buried under impenetrable soil or pavement, the task of tracking it down is daunting. The well/pump people have been called. 

Our misty mornings and warm afternoons are coming to an end and it is supposed to be heating up again. Hot weather is more typical for September into October but it's been nice during fire season to have it  more temperate and a little bit damp. 

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