
By 58jc

Coq au Vin

OH is a good cook but usually it is me that plans, shops, prepares and cooks and he washes up (although I bought the wrong size rubber gloves and I have been washing up too!!).  However he will always say 'I'm quite happy to cook, just tell me what you want to eat'.............but it is still me making the decision, making sure we have the ingredients - blah blah.

Today I suggested he did coq au vin as he has done this before successfully.  I had been shopping so had all the bits and they were sitting on the side in the kitchen but around 5.30 there was no sign of any dinner being prepped so I nudged...... he started around 5.45 and I made a few suggestions (ie the recipe said 'dice' and he had 'chopped' the carrots which would take a lot longer to cook).  Not happy with my interference but he acquiesced.  Dinner on the table at 7.30 but the chicken was not cooked despite him saying he had followed the recipe.  Sometimes you need to have 44 years experience to not blindly follow recipe but to make sure you check.  It was quite tasty but not sure if was worth all the stress and hassle and moaning and I should have just done it myself!!!!!!!!

In other news - quiet day again although No.1 and OH did visit MIL in care home and No.1 wondering why she bothered.  She is a strange lady and the fact she is 90 and still moaning about things and No.1 is 34 and doesn't moan about anything makes me really sad and angry and confused and wish I could be more compassionate to an old lady in a care home?

JC arrived late evening and No.1 always pleased to see him.  They are off to a wedding this weekend so fingers crossed No.1 feels well.


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