
Despite indications that it might not be terribly good I popped to see Public Enemies after work today whilst Nicky went a-allotmenting and to drop off the bit of kitchen worktop I wombled last night for building future-shelves with. There's something obviously digital about the film, and not in a good way; it looks very similar to Antichrist which I know to have been filmed with RED cameras. There's lots of purple/green fringing in the out-of-focus highlights and whilst the resolution is fine with lots of detail it all looks a bit dark and bad-contrast and slightly cheap. There are some good shots in there but the most hasn't been made of them in the way one might expect from previous films from the same director. Apart from being unpleasantly and disengagingly violent in places the story just doesn't engage very much either... everyone seemed to be having a little accent trouble though were otherwise reasonably convincing, but added to the odd lighting and weird digitalness it just wasn't partcularly enjoyable.

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